Expansion of Vienna South Master Plan
Model Expansion of Vienna South Master Plan MIT Cambridge 1972
New proposed Town Center , administrative buildings , transportation facilities,
recreational parks , shopping center , libraries and schools. Residential compounds.
The project was developed at M.I.T , Graduate School of Architecture in collaboration
with A. Zappulli.
This extensive urban development for an area south of Vienna finds in our proposal
similarities with new towns projects conceived and built in Europe and in the States.
The plan for this new community highlights in a speculative manner the different
typologies used for the residential dwellings. Low rise buildings, compact and
internally interconnected by pedestrian routes with a variety of indoor outdoor
carefully scaled spaces. A great variety of public amenities and Community services are
on display in close physical relation to the residential dwellings..
The rural nature of the site has been transformed in a series of public parks of various
size and dimensions. Such open spaces are full of sports and recreational outdoor
A network of schools and community centers all suggest an internal to the community
social cohesion without which the proposed scheme is to be considered obsolete.
Water is present in the vast landscape in various forms and dimensions, a reminder of a
life style alternative or other than that one the city of Vienna has to offer. The residential
dwellings on the contrary are limited in dimensions and cost and relay on affordable
There is a sense of the ‘ temporary’ and social mobility in the project both conforming
to more recent speculations about a social and culturally nomadic behavior even in
within the same nation.
Vienna Austria
Scope of Services
Chief Designer
Construction Cost
Gross Floor Area